Edit Choose Copy or Shift-Copy to copy selected text or image to the system Clipboard. Once in the Clipboard, you can Paste your selection to the Scrapbook DA or another document with a different application. Once in another document, text can be edited. Copy works four ways: • Copy (Command-C): to copy text without adding a carriage return at each line end, as when text will be used with a word processor with word wrap. • Shift-Copy (Shift-Command-C): to copy text with a carriage return at each line end so line length will not change, as when text is in columns. • Copy (Command-C): to copy image in PICT format, as when it will be used with a draw application or the Scrapbook DA. • Shift-Copy (Shift-Command-C): to copy image in bitmap format, as when it will be used with a paint application. Choose Clipboard from the Windows menu to see current Clipboard contents. The word TEXT or PICT appears in the bottom-left-corner pop-up menu, identifying the selection type as text or image. Choose “Styl” in the TEXT pop-up menu to see the text in its formatted form. You cannot edit or modify a DiskPaper document. Undo, Cut, Paste, and Clear are always dimmed unless a desk accessory (DA) is active.